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How to Create Your First eBook - Video
How to Create Your First eBook - Video
Kirsi avatar
Written by Kirsi
Updated over a week ago

How to Create Your First Ebook with Designrr

In this video, we will walk you through the entire process of creating your ebook in Designrr from scratch.

First things first, you need to start the creation process and you can do that by clicking the 'New Project' button.

Then choose the import option or you can start from a template.

Remember that Designrr is a tool for laying out the ebook quickly and easily. You should already have your content ready to go.

In this example, we’ll import a post from our blog.

Here is an example post from our website, and I’ll copy the URL into my clipboard.

Then back in Designrr, I’ll paste it here, and click 'Fetch.'

I can also add a 2nd or 3rd URL here if I want to group a bunch of blog posts together in the same ebook.

For now, let's start with this one and then click 'Next.'

Note that your source content is stored in the Drafts tab here, so you can go back to it and make changes if need be.

On this screen, you can choose a template.

Before you do, you can Preview a template in advance to see if it fits your needs. It's important not to get hung up on templates as you can change them afterward. You can also change anything in the styling too.

What you can also change here is the page size. For example, if you are in the US you’d probably want to select Letter, or outside the US perhaps A4. Again this can be changed afterward so don’t worry about making the right decision now.

Let's select this template and click 'Use.'

Your content is now combined with the template and opened in what we call the design editor. Here you can begin making changes to the layout of the ebook.

Start from the top and work down, because our technology will constantly

repaginate pages and when you change things like fonts, images, add and remove paragraphs it will keep repaginating your ebook so that everything is laid out correctly.

We’ll cover customizing your ebook in more depth in the next video but take note of these important points in order:

  1. Start with font style, size, and spacing and get that all done using the left panel.

  2. Note the 'Make Changes To All Elements' toggle. If you want to make global changes then keep it to All Elements and if you want to make changes to just one element, then switch it off.

  3. Set your Chapter headings and Section headings to H2 and H3.

  4. Add and adjust images.

  5. Adjust headers, footers, and change the cover pages.

When you are happy with your ebook it's time for the last step, publishing. All you need to do is click the 'Publish' button, choose the format you want your ebook to be in, for example, PDF, and then click 'Export.'

Of course, you can go back into your project, make more changes, and publish again at any time.

There you are! Your first ebook is done. Congratulations!

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